After one week in India if there’s one thing I have learned it’s get used to being uncomfortable. Get used to smelling armpits and waiting in long queues. Get used to Ola drivers (Indias version of Uber) that don’t show up. Get used to customer service representatives who will yell at you if you complain …
“You smell like hotdogs and horses” The sweet words my boyfriend whispered in my ear when I returned home the other night. If I smelled like hotdogs and horses than I must have had an awesome weekend! At work, of course, at my dream job beneath the mint green grand stand of historic Santa Anita …
Do you ever think back to your unhealthy self and all the terrible things you used to eat? Last week I opened up the kitchen pantry and their it was… The white and blue lettering on a package of lard. Hello Crisco old friend. What was Crisco doing in our pantry amid the almond butter, …
I love my boyfriend because he’s just as wild and crazy as I am, like when he decided that we should toilet train our cats. Who’s the crazy cat lady now? Okay yes, I do have loads of pictures of my fur babies on my phone and bought a shark cat bed the other day but it’s …
After a fifteen mile hike I crave a burger like you would not believe. You don’t know how many hikes have ended with my racing back to the car and speeding down mountain roads, twisting and turning around curves hurrying to the Five Guys Hamburgers forty five minutes down the mountain from the trail head. …