My boyfriend and I have a running joke that every meal he cooks for me is the best thing he has ever made me.
I feel like every time I take Carly on an adventure it is the best day of her life.
We use the word “adventure” in our household now because she can understand “hike” She may just be getting smarter, slowly as the winter turns to… Spring? I think this is spring?
Carly and I did a twelve mile hike up Skyline Trail today as tonight’s snow storm was slowly moving in. I’m honestly surprised we did this whole hike in the sunshine.

Those clouds were moving in fast!
I have hiked some of Skyline Trail before but there are still miles and miles of this trail that I have not even set hiking boot on.
Today we got a little distracted from the magnificent Skyline Trail and just wanted to follow the ridge line to the west. The clouds were just so crazy gorgeous I just wanted to walk that ridge line forever.
We are so blessed living up here at six thousand feet to be above the cloud cover so many days and to have this absolutely amazing view to look at below. The people in the valley have no idea that this is what the view is above six thousand feet. It’s gorgeous. It’s majestic. It’s just awe inspiring some days. 
As we were wondering to the west I found a whole new dirt road I had never even noticed before and I got some just gorgeous pictures of the clouds! The funny thing was, Skyline was not even our destination for the day! Our destination was having lunch on the shores of Bluff lake before heading back into town.
By the time we finished getting distracted by the pretty clouds we had hiked a lot farther than I had anticipated. Poor Carly had refused to drink water at the first creek crossing and by the time we neared Bluff Lake Reserve she had gone seven miles with no water! Luckily it was a cool day. (High 40’s) The clouds were trying to roll in and surround us on all sides. It felt like the storm would be here in just a few hours. I felt bad that all the creek crossings we were finding were dry at this point.

By the time we crossed the first stream eight miles into our hike Carly was so happy to see some water. She waded into the creek right at the edge of this little meadow all the way up to her chest.
Carly is a happy dog any time water is involved but she was so unbelievably happy today just standing in the cool water at meadows edge getting g a drink.
This was not even the high point of Carly’s day! Dogs have to be leashed at all times while on the Bluff Lake Reserve and I found a great little swimming hole (For Carly) right outside the reserve but unfortunately the spot in which I would sit on the wooden bridge next to the swimming hole was covered in angry red ants.

So it was a no go; Carly would have to be leashed while I ate my lunch.
As soon as we approached the lake Carly and I saw some gorgeous mallards on the water. Carly of course wanted to go into the water and greet them (with her face!) I let her go in as far as I could walk without getting my Merril hiking boots wet but I was in no mood to go for a swim on a forty six degree (And getting colder by the minute!) day.
The crazy thing is the ducks didn’t even fly away! They just looked at Carly in utter boredom and hung out!
There is a very nice cut out fallen log bench right lake side; so I got comfortable on the log; tied Carly’s leash to my shoe laces so I could eat my broccoli slaw salad in peace, and settled in to enjoy my lunch at last.
Those ducks hung out with us the whole time we were there next to Bluff Lake and they were less than five feet away from Carly! It was incredible how brave they were!

What I’m trying to say is that THIS was the best day of Carly’s life!
Now these have to be the best eggrolls I have ever had in my life! They are perfect after taking your mutt on a twelve mile hike!
Spicy Coconut Cashew Eggrolls
1 package egg roll wrappers
3 eggs
2 Serrano chilies ( deseeded if you like it less spicy)
1/2 cup Chinese cabbage, chopped into small pieces
1/4 cup broccoli slaw
1 stalk celery, chopped up very small
1 teaspoon chopped cilantro
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 cup coconut oil
3 tablespoons cashew pieces
I pretty much add any extra veggies in my fridge to this delicious stir fry, cook some eggs, add spicy peppers, nuts and cilantro and throw the whole thing in an eggroll.
Oh and then I deep fry it, because, well, we can’t be healthy all the time.
Did you know coconut oil is amazing for deep frying? It makes everything from chicken drumsticks to donuts taste amazing. Plus if you have left overs the coconut glamour is more intense the second day!
You can use more coconut oil to deep fry these but I hate to waste the oil so I try to use as little as possible.
Combine all the veggies with about a tablespoon coconut oil and stir fry. Add the grated ginger and the garlic. Scramble in the eggs and add the cashews and cilantro to the top.
Lay out the egg roll wrappers with left over egg on the side and a pastry brush. Rub egg all over the sides of each eggroll wrapper. Put a line of veggies in the middle and roll it up carefully, tucking in the edges, burrito style. Fry these eggrolls in the coconut oil.
I serve these with a sweet chili sauce,
Sounds like a great adventure day for all! I always try to find places that Gwen and Bear can go ‘off-leash’. They had a fabulous time at Rush Creek romping in the water.
This recipe looks delicious. You should link up with us for Meatless Monday! Also, your photos are gorgeous. Just stunning.
Done! Thanks for the heads up!
Gorgeous area for a walk! If Mom tied any of us to her shoelaces, she would be dead, the moment a critter ran by. We are good about obedience for the most part, but outside, we can’t be trusted!