Or I did anyways, until I went to Venice, Italy a few years ago. My mom is a really, really good cook and she taught me everything I know about cooking and it is her love of cooking that made me the food snob I am today, but god help her she loves lasagna and spaghetti and …
The trick to this recipe? Use good quality Seafood, and do not skip the saffron (I did once when I thought I had some and I didnt) I recommend Argentine Shrimp, good quality crab (Buy a few crab legs when they go on sale and de meat them yourself) This recipe does have alot of …
Its now been six days with out a voice and I am tired of sounding like a man. I thought this sexy Stevie Nicks voice was fun at first, but its getting annoying. I’m tired of shouting at little old ladies at work, I’m tired of not being able to sing. I’m tired of …
If I look up the weather for Inglewood on Saturday, the forecast should call for a 30 % chance of gang related shootings, not shower’s; just saying!And on that note on Saturday Alicia, Johnny and I are going to hit as many So Cal race tracks as we can after I get off work…. Okay well …
Its just around the corner. We’re almost at the summit. Just ten more minutes of hiking.We’re almost there.Its just around the next corner.This is what hiking with Alicia is like. But you know what? Its okay. I like it. She’s my drill Sergent and lets face it, my ass isn’t getting any smaller. Which is …