On a humid summer’s eve as thunderstorms drench our mountain villages this was a fantastic fig korma to whip up in the backyard under the canopy. We cook outside on the BBQ grill’s stove in the summer months to keep our house nice and cool as much as possible on those hot summer nights. Of …
I love taking a plastic bag of Krab salad on my long summertime hikes. I know, I know, it is all the trend right now to stop using single-use plastic entirely, but seriously, I have not used a plastic bag to bag my serrano chilis at the grocery store in the last ten years. Yes, …
This is not exactly feeling like Labor Day early September morning when I am not personally being allowed by the government to labor. I’m not here to bitch about the government forcing peps to get vaccinated or carry vaccine cards to see a movie or attend a football game. I’m not here to pretend that …
Lightning can be a real bitch. That is if you are one of the 49 Americans struck and killed by lightning each year. Lightning strikes are no joke as anyone who has been around live lightning can tell you. But at the same time, I love the smell of rain, that petrichor aroma, the crash …
Summertime to our family means a month of hiking and camping all over the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. That usually means nothing but the best camp food. What says summertime camp food if not Carne Asada Fries (Over a salad of course) This July while trekking through the alpine mountains near Mammoth Lake, coming back …