14,505 feet. I never imagined that I would ever stand atop a mountain top that high. I never in my life could imagine how spectacular the views of Sequoia National Park could be from that elevation. I never knew how physically tough ninety nine switchbacks could be as my legs powered through them. I never …
Today I sat in my small town library and tried to work on my blog in relative silence. Libraries are supposed to be a quiet place to get work done and concentrate, right? Some one needs to tell meth mouth sitting next to me this. …
If there was lesson to be learned from today’s adventure in the forest it was always get a wilderness pass even if you’re taking a familiar trail and you think that you know the wilderness well. This morning’s plan with the pups was to do a simple loop of Lost Creek Trail. It should have …
Our vacation began with me almost getting in a fight over an ewok in the lobby. I seriously did not mean to insult Chewbacca’s service dog when we were trying, in a very long process, to check into the Best Western Hotel in Los Alamitos. Seriously; I have been to Vegas more times than I …
After a morning of dragging my aching body on an easy dog walk up Lost Creek Trail Carly the Pup and I were relaxing creek side. It really breaks my heart that this is where I am now as an athlete. A year ago I was running twelve miles before work and these days I’m …