All night long as we tried to sleep we heard helicopters flying low over our house in the pine filled forest. The choppers were picking up water from nearby Big Bear Lake and fire retardant from the airport near our house to drop on the Lake Fire. The constant drone of the helicopters reminded us …
In this town when you see the flashing red lights of the forest service in your rear view mirror that’s when you start to worry. Good thing I drive an all wheel drive SUV. I yanked my Subaru into what may have qualified as a dirt turnout; all kinds of dogs yelping and flying over each …
Some days I just hate hiking. It doesnt happen often that I have those days but today I had an incident where I dropped my new Patagonia sweater on the trail and had to back track two miles all uphill to go back for it. If it had been any other sweater there was no …
Today I watched Carly do the stupidest thing I have ever seen her do. And I have seen that dog do a lot of stupid things. She jumped out of a mostly closed car window while I was driving thirty miles an hour because she saw a squirrel. Nope, she did not catch the squirrel. …
Once upon a time my little home town was put on the map by the national news and it was not for a good thing. In 2013 we had a crazy and cold blooded cop killer on the loose in Southern California. In the few weeks that Chris Dorner was on the run he eventually …