When we were in Vegas we visited some hoity toity restaurants where we paid way to much for breakfast just to have cold potatoes and burned food and then wait staff turn up their noses at us when we had the balls to complain. The staff at Aria’s Aria Café seemed to be saying “Oh? …
Our morning began early. Up at five, steaming cups of dark coffee in hand, we were dressed and ready to make our way to the dock a little after six. The forecast was for a rainy afternoon and thunderstorms. We were praying for the dark rain clouds to invade our mountain and put out the …
I had to be the smelliest person in Munich. Okay, actually of the ten people in our group, I’m not sure which one of us was actually the smelliest but we all did not smell great. In 2007 we spent five days camping in Munich for Oktoberfest. It was an absolutely amazing beer-soaked and brat …
The coffee was made. Our formally frozen sleeping bags defrosted and most of our camping gear put away, we were ready to conquer the mountain. We both changed into our short shorts, grabbed our packs and began the trek up to White Mountain. The beginning of the hike started at almost 12,000 feet so it …
I should probably not make myself off as a complaining little scalawag. The kind of wench who steals pillows and lamp shades from hotel rooms but the Creek Side Inn located in Bishop had it coming to them. We also had a fantastic reason for needing the pillows (we didn’t actually steal lamp shades; I was …