I’ll admit it. I’m obsessed with my new juicer. You know your obsessing with your new appliance when you find yourself sun bathing with friends and suddenly think, between the sunscreen, the hawks circling in the Jeffrey Pines above and the gently cascading creek waters…. “I should make Home Made Bloody Mary Mix!” …
When a ten-year old walks into the kitchen and says “It smells like poo in here” You know it is going to be a delicious dinner! To be fair, I always think that raw meat and meat cooking smells disgusting so I guess I can see where she is coming from. Also to be fair, …
It’s forty-five degrees and I wish I was wearing shorts right now. I’ve been slugging up this long snowy hill for what feels like miles. It has actually been miles, four of them exactly since I left my car at the locked forestry gate shut down tight until the snow melts in the spring. That’s …
“Please God don’t let me get frost bite. Also please let that not be a mountain lion on the ridge line stalking us. Amen” Some prayers are short but sweet. I find myself praying to the one above alot these days but well this was a new one. Some people pray when life gets tough. …
My legs and my feet and my heart are yearning to hit the trails today. All I can think about is running up mountains in the high Sierra, or doing beach runs along the sand dunes of the central coast. I get the travel bug in waves and having days off with no big plans …