I’ll tell y’all a tiny little secret. I was very briefly obsessed with Carl’s Jrs Thirty Dollar Burger. Okay well, I’m so sure we all remember the year 2001 and Carl’s Jr had the oddaisty to charge six dollars for a fast food hamburger. But we were also shocked that Bill Clinton was somehow still …
I’ve always loved the snow. Even when I was ten years old and instead of playing with my friends I was shoveling the driveway. No one in our 90’s era working-class neighborhood had a snow blower, certainly not my family. Our mountain neighborhood was always quiet when I was outdoors shoveling feet of snow, which …
As a dog owner, we have all been there. You are wandering through the wilderness with your pup not a care in the world and out of the pristine wilderness comes a coyote, a wolf (Depending on what part of the country you live in) or possibly a rabid poodle. What the fuck do you …
It’s early February and you know what that means! It’s time for keto, fatty! Yes, that means Christmas cookies and Honey Walnut Shrimp are a thing of the past. So what can I possibly have for dinner if I’m not deep-frying shrimp? Cheese-stuffed chicken breast of course! Okay, there might also be spinach involved. If …
When I think of the mighty Mississippi, I think of our summertime adventures and our travel to Memphis Tennessee. And when I think about travel to Memphis Tennessee, I think about how un-Godly sweaty I was for the three days we spent in Memphis last summer. I’m sure I must be the only person in …