Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. ~John Muir I don’t think naturalist John Muir ever could have imagined a world full of smartphones or smart pandemic viruses like COVID-19. But he had the right idea. In trying times where stress is out of control, having …
I had been hiking straight up a mountain since just before dawn when I came across Dry Lake at just over nine thousand feet. Trekking through a foot of snow for the last two hours had been rough and my calves and hamstrings were on fire as I finally took a break to catch my …
This mornings July sunrise was one of the most gorgeous I had ever seen in a long time. The sky was full of pre-thunder storm wispy clouds and stripped with pinks and purples. It was a stunningly gorgeous sight as we parked the truck near the bottom of the Skyline Trail. Looking back now, I’m …
Imagine this; It’s a pristine snowy winter’s morning at the cabin you just bought from somewhere like zook cabins in the rural mountain town set amidst the pines. The morning air smells of wood smoke and pine sap from the surrounding wilderness as you stand on the front porch in your favorite Ugg’s and North …
I never thought I would be that stranded stressed out motorist that you see on the news in a rainstorm who slept in her car because the rural mountain road washed out. You know the ones I’m talking about during the great blizzard of ’06, shivering in her car and wondering if she’s going to …