It was nine a.m. and I was struggling through four feet of wet snow, snowshoeing almost straight up a white mountain. It might have been forty degrees outside but I was sweating big time in my favorite North Face winter jacket, as I sucked in the arctic cold air and I perspired under my day pack. …
Calling a small-town ski resort community my home has some distinct advantages. Most of the time I adore being hours away from the smoggy metropolis of Los Angeles. I can only take the concrete jungle of southern California in very small doses. Life in Big Bear Lake in the pine forest can make me feel …
Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. ~John Muir I don’t think naturalist John Muir ever could have imagined a world full of smartphones or smart pandemic viruses like COVID-19. But he had the right idea. In trying times where stress is out of control, having …
I had been hiking straight up a mountain since just before dawn when I came across Dry Lake at just over nine thousand feet. Trekking through a foot of snow for the last two hours had been rough and my calves and hamstrings were on fire as I finally took a break to catch my …
This mornings July sunrise was one of the most gorgeous I had ever seen in a long time. The sky was full of pre-thunder storm wispy clouds and stripped with pinks and purples. It was a stunningly gorgeous sight as we parked the truck near the bottom of the Skyline Trail. Looking back now, I’m …