I’m confused by the instructions on A to Z blogging in April so I’m posting my A blog for yesterday Sunday and also for today April First. I’ll be blogging six days a week in April for the blogging A-Z, yea. And back to the mountain adventures… This mornings spring time run was …
I’m sitting here at the San Bernardino Subaru Dealership waiting for my free oil change and horrible talk shows are playing in the back ground. I never watch this shit. And I mean this is pure shit. The T.V. show that is on right now is called The Talk and the hosts are making Is your Momma …
I’ve never been afraid of heights. I will hike the sheerest cliffs no problem at all. I’m not afraid of Ferris wheels and I’ve been to the top of the Stratosphere Hotel and stood on their outer deck up so high above the Las Vegas strip, no problem. A fear of heights seems a …
Unseasonably warm early March days make me want to run the trails of these mountains. I want to take advantage of the warm forty degree days before the next snow storm rolls through these hills. It was an almost sunny day to run the Pacific Crest Trail from the Deep Creek Bridge to 3NW a dirt trail …
I wonder if kids today get to enjoy or be tormented with the same things I faced as a child. After hearing a coworkers streak of vile language at work the other day (Over something that was really not worth using three pieces of profanity in one sentence) I muttered to my other coworker …