It wasn’t until the 747 started taxiing out of Honolulu’s long airport runway that I really started to get excited about Australia. I’ve always wanted to go to Australia – it’s been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember and I’ve only just been given the opportunity to go. Long overdue, …
Before I went to Australia all I knew about this country so close to the Equater I knew from Lost. No, I was not expecting polar bears or the Darma Project but I was also not expecting wombat balls. ( please see this picture my boyfriend posted on Facebook.) Yes, if you …
It’s weird to arrive in a country in summertime when you just left snow and winter behind. My first time in the Southern Hemisphere was finally here at last! It’s almost eight p.m. In Sydney Australia and the sun hasn’t even gone down yet! Back home …
As soon as I got off the plan in Sydney I started counting the cafés, espresso stands and coffee places. Five. There were five different coffee choices just in the international terminal! And not one of them was a Starbucks! If Australia loves it’s coffee this much we are going to get …
It’s two a.m. Hawaii time and I would kill for a cup of coffee right now. Welcome to sleeping in an airport. My flight from LAX arrived in balmy humid Honolulu about four hours ago and I did manage a few hours sleep on the plane squeezed like a …