Some days I bike twenty miles. Okay, actually one day recently I mountain biked twenty miles. When I put myself through a hellish workout easy sashimi for dinner sounds amazing! Today’s bike ride wasn’t easy, not at all. That right there was the longest ride I ever have done in my life and it included …
I’m an outdoors kind of girl. What that means is I go through vats of natural sunscreen every summer and buckets of natural sunscreen every spring. Yes even on those cold, cloudy and overcast winter days I use bottles of natural sunscreen. I feel like every Saturday when I go to Whole Foods I’m picking …
It’s finally, finally springtime at our 7,000 foot mountain town and you know what that means! Snakes? Wildflowers? Kittens? Or mountain biking twenty miles a morning? Springtime in a resort town means all these things (My friend works at the local pet store… That is where miles of kittens come into the picture…) If it …
When I was a five year old little girl I wanted to be a truck driver when I grew up. I have no recollection of ever uttering the words “Mommy I want to be a truck driver” but my mom has a drawing I made from kindergarten of cartoon five year old me driving an …
Biking twenty miles in a day might seem a bit rough but if you fuel your body with the correct foods, like protein filled Banana Pancakes, you too can be ready to kick ass at mountain biking! There are some days that I don’t feel like I can bike three miles. My body feels sluggish …