Some days I just hate hiking. It doesnt happen often that I have those days but today I had an incident where I dropped my new Patagonia sweater on the trail and had to back track two miles all uphill to go back for it. If it had been any other sweater there was no …
Today I watched Carly do the stupidest thing I have ever seen her do. And I have seen that dog do a lot of stupid things. She jumped out of a mostly closed car window while I was driving thirty miles an hour because she saw a squirrel. Nope, she did not catch the squirrel. …
Today I sat in my small town library and tried to work on my blog in relative silence. Libraries are supposed to be a quiet place to get work done and concentrate, right? Some one needs to tell meth mouth sitting next to me this. …
If there was lesson to be learned from today’s adventure in the forest it was always get a wilderness pass even if you’re taking a familiar trail and you think that you know the wilderness well. This morning’s plan with the pups was to do a simple loop of Lost Creek Trail. It should have …
I was starving when we drove to the grocery store to buy the cabbage. We needed the cabbage to make my famous tahini chicken tacos for lunch. All we had prior to this for breakfast was spinach, orange and pineapple juice so by the time we were walking into Vons at one p.m. we were both starving. …