Here we are in the backend of the year 2020. There is no end to this pandemic in sight and the holidays right around the corner. Do you even want to sit around sharing turkey with family members who may or may not tell you to rot in hell because you are pro-choice? What if …
Late October in California will usually find us exploring the eastern Sierras in our motorhome. Autumns falling aspen leaves really don’t have a lot to do with cooking Morrocan food but a spicy Moroccan stew is a perfect supper for a chilly night camping with your closest friends. I am now newly obsessed with cooking …
As an enthusiast of everything outdoors and also a lover of everything from boots to warm sweaters, the month of October has to be one of my favorite times of the year and not just because I can take out all my boxes of recycled fall fashion finds. As the days get shorter mid-October and …
Some people may watch loads of Netflix while bored during a quarantine; I prefer to keep my mind occupied with handicapping, betting on the ponies, some gluten-free baking and maybe a little leather restoration. Yes, I said leather restoration, my sustainable fashion craft of choice during this pandemic. Here we are in late October of …
I’ve been a camper as long as I can remember. It started when I was a toddler and our family took van camping trips to the river. Yes, my parents were vanners. I’ve heard it was so trendy in the big hair eight-track filled eighties. My dad would pack his famous trash can punch, all his …