Let’s face it; The past two years of Covid-19 bullshit has not helped anyone’s waistline. How the hell can I even hope to still fit in my favorite sustainable fashion thrift store finds as 2022 chugs along? In my case, it was made even worse by the Covid rash from hell that required me to …
The first time someone yelled at me to put my dog on a leash in my own neighborhood I just thought, this cannot be real. We live in a very quiet neighborhood where every neighbor knows one another. Even if we don’t all agree politically we are all friendly. I know every neighbor who walks …
Nothing says Happy Valentines Day like a big ass bowl of Muslim Lamb Biryani. If you can’t smell cumin and coriander and basically all the gamey smells of Hydrabad India seeping out of your pores it must not be February 14th. This mixed rice dish brought from Afghanistan by the moguls four hundred years ago …
I have a good laugh anytime I read the words easy chicken marsala or easy paleek paneer. There is nothing easy about authentic Indian food! As someone who took three months and multiple tries to perfect the absolute best keto-friendly chicken ghee roast I know this for a fact. Did you grind the spices for …
I live in a sushi-free world. There are acres of scenic trails for my pup and I to run. There are tall alpine mountains for us to climb. We even have azure blue waters to kayak all summer long. But there is nowhere in a hundred-mile radius to get a good sashimi lunch. I might …