On my last night camping in the wilds of nature in California, I awoke at midnight to hysterical male voices shrieking outside my tent. Yes, there was a bear in the camp. Because bears can tell when dumb-dumbs are visiting from the cities. Why on earth would you plan a camping trip to the bear …
Jaw-droppingly gorgeous days in the mountains like today make me have one thought. I fucking hate California. How can I live in such an unworldly beautiful place and not be able to enjoy it because all of my hidden wilderness spaces are covered in graffiti? Welcome to life in 2023. Criminals do what they want, …
As a travel writer and outdoor adventurer, I have news for you, Pete, there are so many more incredible outdoor adventures to be had outside of our national park system here in California. Don’t get me wrong, Yosemite National Park has the awe-inspiring Tuolumne Meadows full of more mule deer than you will see grazing …
I just snowshoed up a mountain with my brand-new adventure dog! Thank God I have some homemade gluten-free Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake packed in my backpack! Snowshoeing is always so much harder than just regular hiking, throw in two to four feet of snow, breaking trail and struggling to the top of a mountain peak, …
Tonight I got to be the nutwalla. But first I had to squeeze my Butter Chicken Butte into my largest Kurti. It’s an Anglo-Indian Christmas miracle I didn’t have to cut the damn thing off of me afterward! That’s how tight a fit my favorite emerald blue Kurti is these days. When I purchased this …