I’m out for my morning run tearing up the streets of my neighborhood at six a.m. Most of my neighbors are still sleeping off the meth they made/ did the night before. My otherwise rowdy, redneck neighborhood is quite at this hour, just the morning birds chirping away in the yellow oak leaves above my …
The following is a real conversation RING RING “Dad?” Do you have any super glue? “Yeah… How much do you need?” “Ummm… Enough to glue my thumb back on” “Maybe you should just go to Urgent Care?” “Well I hit my head also. Do you …
We are under attack! What is that pounding!? The felines are very upset! Sierra has already had a rough morning. He knocked over my coffee than pretty much rolled in it. Now his fur is gross but he does smell like a latte which is much better than stinky kitty smell. Both cats …
I used to think a runner’s high was just a myth. That was only a year ago. I was a new runner just starting out, running with my best friend and to accomplish a four mile run through the hills and mountains of our National Forest amazed me. It amazed …
My heater has been broken for two days. Yesterday morning when I woke up, it was nine degrees outside in my little mountain town at seven thousand feet. I love the cold, don’t get me wrong but this is intense. This might be the coldest I have ever been. My brother says …