When I was thirty years old I briefly kind of moved back in with my parents. I lived in their driveway in their fifth wheel for a summer while I was going through my high net worth divorce with my supposed dream man. Living in close proximity to my parents is proved to be a …
When I go camping I like to eat delicious high quality food with as minimal clean up as possible. It’s a pain in the ass to wash dishes while camping unless you are RV camping and let’s face it, is that REALLY camping? I prefer sleeping around a campfire in a tent from my local …
I obviously had to decide to conquer Mt Whitney for the second time when I was in the worst shape I have been in, well, in at least three years. Seriously it was an effort to run two miles this morning, my calves and ankles were aching a mile up the huge steep trail …
Sometimes love is sweaty. Sometimes love is stinky. Sometimes love is when two stink bugs are doing it in the middle of the trail and you are forced to hike around them. Because no one wants to mess with the ways of nature and what happens when a boy stink bug and a girl …
When I think back to my favorite race ever that would be for sure the time I ran the Red Rocks Half marathon. I did this race with my best friend and it snowed the night before. The mountains outside Las Vegas were beyond gorgous. This however is not that blog. This right here is a …