Here in America we take for granted how safe and privileged we are. Today as we pre-made thanksgiving goodies; custard berry pies and sweet potato scones we watched our president once again swear that to the best of his knowledge Isis is not to be worried about. Go ahead and travel, enjoy this day with …
Some people may love Los Angeles The Getty, Disneyland, Griffin Park, Pacific Ocean, blah blah blah. I’m obviously not one of those people. don’t get me wrong, I’m happy as a clam when I’m safe at home at six thousand feet among the pines and the fresh alpine scented air in my mountain get away …
I’ve got a confession. I’m a germ-a-phobe. I am completely obsessed with not getting sick. I absolutely hate cash in an unnatural way. I never carry cash if I have anything to do with it. If you ask me three things I can’t live without on a daily baises I would say; ice water, sun …
I’ve always been a fan of spicy foods. I remember when I was a kid going to my best friends house for breakfast and watching her dad put tabasco on his eggs. So I tried it. A fan of all things spicy was born. I don’t care if its adding roasted jalapenos and serranos to a …
I have a Fig Newton Phobia. Weird I know. But until you have had been forced to make Fig Newton’s at gun point you really can’t understand. Okay maybe it didn’t happen exactly like that. One time when I was a child of about seven or eight my mom made the mistake …