Every one needs a friend like Mary. This is not poison oak. Probably I thought that I was the nature guide. Than I met Mary. And she showed me what poison oak really looks like. Well, that explains why I get poison oak so often. To be fair there …
Nothing makes me more happy than a day powering up trails, running through creeks and climbing up boulders. This week has been an amazing week of spring time showers and even some showy blizzards. Why do I run? There are so many great reasons! I run because I love to get caught in terrible snow …
When the wind is blasting our house with snow and there is a fire blazing in the fireplace the pine and eucalyptus wood filling the house with an amazing smell I can almost forget that it’s springtime. i know, I know, most people embrace spring time, the green plants, the wild flowers and the warmer …
A year ago I was slowly trudging my way up trails, pins and needles constantly shooting up my right leg. That is when I could feel my right leg which was sometimes, on the good days. I usually had a scowl on my face as I ached to run again, my feet flying …
After a weekend of debauchery Monday morning means a butt busting workout followed by a fresh homemade juice and this healthy Baja inspired breakfast. This spicy breakfast makes me yearn for the beaches of Baja and days spent exploring the countryside near Ensenada. For hours, and hours and hours. Because the toll road is closed …