I’ve always heard that Twin Lakes near Bridgeport was a fishing mecca and so gorgeous. I finally found my way to Twin Lakes today past ranch after ranch of grazing cattle and down a winding country road that seemed to be taking me to the middle of nowhere. On my drive to Bridgeport up Highway 395 …
I’m obviously tired this morning. I wandered into the kitchen before dawn. I placed all my smoothie ingredients in a plastic cup and then stared at the red cup in confusion, like why are you not a smoothie yet? This is what happens when you get up before dawn to start your vacation. There is …
I’ve been hiking these Sierra trails all week. Little Carly dog and I have hiked over fifty miles in seven days so far. Carly has been unbelievably well-behaved. Not only has she been well-behaved but she’s eaten her food every afternoon like a champion not just flipping the bowl over like a toddler and glaring …
In the valley below you would not even know that it’s fall. It’s over a hundred degrees most October days. Any sweaters and scarves and gloves to be seen? No way here in sunny So Cal; you can find a Pumpkin Spice Latte on the menu at Starbucks, but that is the only real way …
My day in Yosemite National Park started out weird; I hiked almost two miles in the wrong direction on the wrong trail, I slammed my thumb in my car door and then I saw a dead Bambi marking the entrance to the park. After I paid my thirty dollar entry fee ( When did this park …