In the summer of 2015 my boyfriend and I went off adventuring in the White Mountains of the Eastern Sierras. This was only a month after I had back surgery and we had dreams of conquering Mt Whitney along with White Mountain but to be perfectly honest, just being able to walk and hike again …
Two months ago I was bunkered down in an apartment in Bangalore as torrential rains flooded the cow shit filled streets. I was a long way from Baldwin Lake, California.We did not leave the apartment for two days because it was raining sideways, harder than I had ever seen in my life and frankly I was …
Only in India can you get fingerprinted and buy a chicken all at the same store. As we traveled the highways and back roads of southern India I was lucky enough to try my first India vada at the same little shop and I was hooked. Welcome to the back roads of India. These roads are framed by …
Mornings in the jungle mean the roar of a bewildered buffalo waking us up. It was like nothing I have ever heard before. After the night before when my boyfriend was accompanied home from the bar by a pack of pachyderms, the last two nights every time I felt a shutter or heard a noise …
If I’m going to do a hike that damn near kills me, you better be live I will celebrate afterwards with some Valentines Day chocolate mousse. Valentines Day means chocolate, and for me and the pup, maybe a side of hiking too. I don’t know how many times I’ve spoken the words “Well I survived …