Today I had a flashback to when I was eighteen, poor and driving the most beat up old truck ever, it wasn’t one of the best used cars around, and I really wanted to get a new one, but I just didn’t have the money at the time. I think life hands you these humbling …
On a cold and wintry morning you really need to wake up to a bacon filled hot breakfast. Especially if lots of wine was involved the night prior. “Oh the weather outside is blizzardly” I may or may not have just sung those words to our dogs. Yes, I realize that blizzardly is not a …
Sometime I dream about Mexico; The foggy beach mornings, walking through the ice plant down to the cold ocean below the beach houses, and the fun times I had in Baja California with friends when I was in my early twenties. I don’t dream of the Mexico of 2013 with the drugs and the gangs …
If it’s a gorgeous Saturday in March then it must be Big Cap Day at Santa Anita Park! It feels like spring today with temperatures in the eighties and the sunlight bouncing off the still slightly snow capped Mt Baldy in the distance. It’s a fantastic day in southern California to head out to Santa …
Before Alaska I had no idea that sour dough originated in Alaska. I had no idea that swarms of flies could make a grown man cry when he really needed desperately to pee. I had no idea how many smashed mosquito’s one rental car could hold. I had no idea what life was like in …