It’s 10 a.m. and I almost summited the highest peak in the San Gabriel Mountains, and frankly, the highest mountain peak that looks out over the city of angels. (Los Angeles) And I did it the hard way. Mt Baldy’s Ski Lift Trail literally climbs straight up the mountain underneath the rickety ole chairlift that …
This morning I woke up walking like an old cowboy who rode way to many hours the day before. I love my job in the horse racing industry with an unbelievable passion but yesterday at work every step I took up our three-story grandstand made my thighs burn terribly bad. (Oh look, according to my …
V is for victory. Like when you hit the pick 5 and win two grand. Or is it for Venison? Or is it for a very happy birthday to one of my favorite ex wagering ambassadors? If it’s February 10th then you can find me at Santa Anita Park, the great race place helping new …
A year ago I was sitting in the fanciest seafood restaurant we could find in Tsim Sha Tsui Hong Kong, the whitest person in the restaurant, okay actual the only white person in the restaurant, and wanting desperately to have just one napkin. How do you destroy a delicious crab without even one napkin? This …
Waking up at one in the morning with a screaming sore throat is never a fun time. Especially when your day off included plans to hike up a snowy mountain. I would so much rather be out in our snowy alpine forest with the mutt hiking under the trees right now. If I have to …