Is there anything better than going on a fifteen-mile ass-kicking hike than having your sexy Indian boyfriend prepare you a south Indian Karnataka dish like Chicken Ghee roast? As you sweat up those mountain passes, calves burning, sweat dripping into your sports bra know there is some cold rose in the motorhome camp back in …
Tonight I got to be the nutwalla. But first I had to squeeze my Butter Chicken Butte into my largest Kurti. It’s an Anglo-Indian Christmas miracle I didn’t have to cut the damn thing off of me afterward! That’s how tight a fit my favorite emerald blue Kurti is these days. When I purchased this …
Contrary to what I thought, Kofta does not mean stuffed balls. A kofta curry in most middle eastern or Asian cuisine usually means some kind of meatball. Although this January our family is enjoying a vegetarian diet so I made this version with leftover pumpkins from our garden. Yes, you can have middle eastern kofta …
Nothing says Happy Valentines Day like a big ass bowl of Muslim Lamb Biryani. If you can’t smell cumin and coriander and basically all the gamey smells of Hydrabad India seeping out of your pores it must not be February 14th. This mixed rice dish brought from Afghanistan by the moguls four hundred years ago …
Camping is not for everyone. I get that. It takes a badass attitude to deal with some of the challenges that come with camping, motorhome living or trying to be one of the best RV chefs in a hundred-mile radius. Just tent camping with the family can be hard enough when you wake up …