I didn’t put how much of each ingredient, as it depends how many pieces of french toast your making. I usually make this recipe just for one, so its one egg, 1 tab Greek yogurt, etc.Cheese Stuffed French Toastwhole grain breadeggsGreek yogurtvanillabuttercinnamonwhite Stilton with apricots or any other kind of white Stiltonfancy maple syrup, not …
I started a new blog just for my food obsession posts, and also to share recipes, although I may occasionlly put a recipe or two up on this sight. I realize this blog is a complete mis-mash of Manber.HORSE RACING! FOOD HIKING! TRAVEL! COMPLAINING! BAD DRIVERS!GOAT CHEESE! So maybe I’ll narrow it down just …
Its much harder to blog when there is a cat laying on your laptop and purring and you can’t even feel the keys through the fur. Is that an e or an r? Not really sure, but its cold and foggy on this spring morning and this furry cat keeps my lap warm, and …
My yard in the springtime I feel Amish right now. If the Amish drank coffee and did P90X; I don’t think they do either. I have a feeling they are against caffeine and intense muscle-building exercise regimes. On this day I’m having my family over for our annual Mother’s Day celebration. May eighth 2011, …
Apple Juice Infused Smoked Pulled Pork1 large piece of pork butt3 cups apple juice 2 tab smoked paprika2 tab pink Himalayan sea salt2 tab pepper1/4 cup brown sugarThyme2 cups waterBBQ Sauce of your choice(I use Tyler Florence Recipe, but everyone likes a different kind of sauce)In a large container put the pork, water 1 tab salt …