I would love to smoke a whole turkey, but it takes something like twelve hours for a small bird! I want smoked turkey, but I’m not getting up at 2 A.M. to start it! My favorite part of the turkey is the skin, and sadly I couldn’t find breasts with the skin still on. …
Men like meat right? And potatoes right? And corn right? and cheese right? What if you throw hot sauce on the whole thing? Hot cheesy goodness! My heart hurts.Man Food Casserolealready pre made pot roast1 bag pre cooked garlic potatoeshorse radishsour creamcanned cornsharp white aged cheddar cheese
I was driving home from work the other night and I felt like I could see a million stars in the mountain sky. As I was picking out Orion’s belt ion the distance, I thought to myself, something is a little off. Why is it so dark? It wasn’t until I came around the …
Last week I spent my days off camping in the mountains. Yes, camping a mile from my house. Camping right outside my front door is actually quite nice. It means I can simply drive home (thirteen minute round trip) when I forget camping essentials (Like my super warm Uggs) It also means the store …
What’s more fun on a Saturday night in San Diego than pushing a half dead Subaru through hordes of Padre’s fan’s after a day at the race track? While the drunks of San Diego heckle yours truly? ? Drill ? A two day trip to San Diego should not be filled with this much adventure. …