When I think of California’s central coast I think of camping along the chilly Pacific Ocean and evenings spent enjoying the most colorful sunsets at our beachfront campsite. A few days camping and adventuring along California’s central coast means miles of sand dunes. Or hiking through a eucalyptus grove forest all with the crash of …
This isn’t my first rodeo. I mean blizzard. Our 2023 southern California blizzard, dropping seven to ten feet of snow from Crestline to Big Bear and everywhere in between has made international news. We had long-lost friends in the UK calling this morning (They are obviously on London time) to inquire if we were defrosted …
After four days of blizzards, shoveling so much snow and more blizzards and shoveling I might need to sit in my backyard on my snow couch with a hot toddy. After so many years of drought, some may call it a March miracle. Some may call it the great Big Bear blizzard of ’23. I …
Ho ho ho and happy holidays. Now can we move on to my favorite winter squash salad? There might be snowshoes on my feet and snow on the ground but I still prefer salad for lunch. Truth be told, I eat salad for lunch at least five days a week. If I have a busy …
Are you ready for some sports ball? I think the rest of my family is enjoying the sports ball grand finale. I’m personally enjoying creating keto delicacies to shove at my face because really, I needed a sports ball grand championship as a reason to create the cheesiest most bacon-y snacks ever. And to take …