I Saw this inspiring quote from a new blog I just began following and it inspired me to take a look at my life and the little thinks that I am grateful for. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is …
I just had to be a rebel. It’s a eighty degree evening in the summertime in my small mountain town. I just came back from a seven mile hike. My cabin has been shut up all day. It’s hot inside so all the doors and windows are open now. It is ridiculous hot in …
The best way to prevent altitude sickness when mountaineering over 10,000 feet is to drink lots of water so as not to get dehydrated and to hike slowly, letting your body adjust to the high elevation. I drank more water in one day on Thursday than I have ever consumed before in one day …
I learned to cook from my Mother. But if you weren’t taught how to cook as a kid, it’s never too late to learn, especially when you can take a look at Bakery Classes.in’s top recommendations to become a better baker. When I was a kid my Mom was always in the kitchen …
Its official. I think I love to run. At this point, I can’t go a day without running. Some times I run twice in one day if I have time. And you know what? I’m thinking now it may be in my blood and I just never knew it. There were definitely warning …