When I’m working twelve hour days and not getting any sleep some times I ask myself, what did I do for fun today? Today I stood on the edge of a stream deep in the wilderness and fished for native trout with Velveeta Cheese. Native trout are indeed not as fussy about their cheese …
Once upon a time I felt like a terrorist. Or a dumb ass. Maybe both. I had to go to the county courthouse on this muggy smoggy, okay typical for San Bernardino County, September afternoon. Last time I had the joy of visiting the San Bernardino Courthouse I was probably nine or ten, tagging after my dad, …
Denali Overlook, on the way to Denali National Park After spending a few days in a cabin outside Talkeetna Alaska, Steven, Jenny, Ryan and I shoved all of our camping gear into a tiny bug encrusted Ford Focus and headed north on the Parks Highway towards Trapper Creek and Denali National Park. We had a …
After a long day of hiking to chilly creek waters down a hot canyon I want a filling meal. After a seven mile hike in ninety degree heat (And a few beers while swimming at the pools at the bottom of the canyon) I will for sure be starving and ready to eat all …
In 2006 I went on one of the very best vacations of my life. I went to Paris with my two best friends Mimi and Ryan. Paris was unbelievable. Ryan and I had been staying at Mimi’s place in Mildenhall London, just outside of Cambridge for a few days. We got up before dawn …