The Hungry Mountaineer; Injured AGAIN!!

After living through a hellish year of being chained to our front porch with horrendous back pain any little step backwards is more like a summer sault. I just lived through almost an entire week of back pain that once again had me bored on the front porch for days and days and days. Nearly a week after I did absolutely NOTHING to reinjure my back today I actually felt well enough to go for a mountain bike ride.

Maybe it was the fact that I had barely left the house in a week but it just seemed like the most gorgeous day today as I mountain biked through Holcomb Valley to Hitchcock Ranch. Carly and Tippy had fun too and Tippy was so well-behaved considering this was his first experience with me on the mountain bike.

It feels beyond amazing to be out riding my mountain bike through the Big Bear Valley again this week!

You have no idea how depressing it is to be hurt and stuck in this situation where you may be disabled for quite a while. Being injured is no fun but having a disability that completely disables you when you are an athletic person is so beyond frustrating.