Once upon a time my little home town was put on the map by the national news and it was not for a good thing. In 2013 we had a crazy and cold blooded cop killer on the loose in Southern California. In the few weeks that Chris Dorner was on the run he eventually …
I’m not the kind of girl who wears heels pretty much ever. I am the kind of girl who wears cowboy boots though. How many pairs of cowboy boots do I own? Please just don’t ask; the answer is shameful. And yes, I do want more… Sites like Footwear 4 Workers just make it so …
Yesterday as I began to get out of the car with the pup to go for a hike I watched a bob cat sprint across the highway. The day before that as I drove our winding mountain roads I watched as two does were grazing on the side of the highway …
You have probably never heard of the town I grew up in. If you have maybe you saw the name blip across the CNN news ticker in 2007 when we lost a portion of our town in the Slide Wild Fire. This little town is a treasure in the over populated suburban sprawl of …
If there is one think that has nothing in common with smoothies, juicing and healthy living, it is truckers. Hi. Let me tell you about my dad. My dad is a country music listening, truck driving man. He once found a dead rattle snake-skin on the side of the freeway and stopped his big …