A tuna salad lunch may not be what you are imagining when it’s late fall, all the leaves have left the deciduous trees and it’s a cold and chilly day in the mountains of southern California. But if you are journeying on a Baja California road trip this can be the perfect picnic snack! Pull …
It’s a few days before Cinco De Mayo here to the north of Baja California and that means a Skinny Jalapeno Margarita or two. My Skinny Jalapeno Margarita is full of all things you need for a great Cinco De Mayo; Don Julio Tequila, Jalapenos and sparkling water. Now here is a throwback …
My home town is not well known for its regional cuisine. Spoiler alert; it’s not nut cream! The running joke in my rural mountain home town is that the regional cuisine is squirrel. We are mainly joking. So instead I would like to share a blog about a “regional cuisine” from my favorite vacation town, a …
Sometime I dream about Mexico; The foggy beach mornings, walking through the ice plant down to the cold ocean below the beach houses, and the fun times I had in Baja California with friends when I was in my early twenties. I don’t dream of the Mexico of 2013 with the drugs and the gangs …
Everyone warned us “Don’t go to Mexico!” Friends and family could barely contain their hysteria. “The gangs! The drugs!” They screamed, clutching their chests in paranoia! “The beaches! The margaritas!” I answered them as I packed my bags. It had been seven years since I had crossed the border at San Ysidro. The running joke, …