It’s mid August and I’m camping at over seven thousand feet and I’m freezing cold. Seriously! Yes, that is right; I said August! What is with this summer that does not actually feel like summer? I’m ready for those summer days of swimming in crisp alpine lakes, but the water not being so cold that it makes me …
Tragically my organic CSA box today had no green beans in it. No problem I thought and I turned my plans for a green bean casserole into a turnip casserole. If you get turnips in your CSA and you have no clue what to do with them ( as I did!) they are also great …
You know how Kim Carnes sang about she’s got Betty Davis eyes? Well last night while watching the heart radio CMA show we realized that Tippy has Garth Brooks eyes. Which means he has creepy eyes. I’m trying to explain to Tippy proper rattlesnake etiquette in this picture while he checks me out with those crazy eyes. …
There’s nothing like soaking your feet in freezing cold creek water after a long hike. And than realizing you have leeches on your legs. I would like to say that this is the first time I had the whole leeches experience but that would be a lie. Yes, I am a mountain girl, now why do …
A few months ago I couldn’t even swim. I was like a fish out of water although I was always in that H20. I was like a fish that could not swim and instead would just wear floaties on her arms or inner tubes around her middle and float down the river. I sucked at being …