Are you ready for some sports ball? I think the rest of my family is enjoying the sports ball grand finale. I’m personally enjoying creating keto delicacies to shove at my face because really, I needed a sports ball grand championship as a reason to create the cheesiest most bacon-y snacks ever. And to take …
Contrary to what I thought, Kofta does not mean stuffed balls. A kofta curry in most middle eastern or Asian cuisine usually means some kind of meatball. Although this January our family is enjoying a vegetarian diet so I made this version with leftover pumpkins from our garden. Yes, you can have middle eastern kofta …
Are you ready for some football? It may be deep in the heart of autumn but no, Mr Hank Williams Jr. I am not actually. After a ten-hour day of work, I’m more likely watching this little kitten cat attack his toys than pay attention to the sports ball. So I work in a sports …
This is the first in a series of blogs I am writing on keto Asian meals. But wait, can I say keto Asian without insulting someone? This is 2022 after all and I feel like it would be oh so helpful if FoxNews could just have a ticker at the bottom of the screen each …
We were coming back from our ten-day RV camping vacation and I was crying at the gas pump. I couldn’t control my sobs as I inserted my American Express again and again and thought how are we paying seven dollars and eighty cents a gallon for gasoline? Is it laced with gold for fuck’s sake? …