Once upon a time, I worked until eleven-thirty at night. Then I drove forty minutes home. Then I stepped in cat puke. Than I got in bed. Than I realized I had stepped in cat puke. My alarm was set for four-thirty, so I could be back at work by six A.M. and in that …
The first time I heard the term chaffle it sounded like something that would happen if I rode my mountain bike too long. Let me tell you, a chaffle has nothing to do with chaffing and everything to do with cheese. A waffle chock full of all the good cheeses? Sign me up! I just …
To some people, autumn might mean sports ball and pumpkin spice lattes (maybe not at the same time.) If you ask me, autumn tastes like acorn squash with the smells of wood fires in the chilly air. Autumn means cold temperatures not minty degree days like when I journeyed to Orange County to Christmas shop …
Dear Senator Feinstein, Good morning mame, It’s me again, one of the nameless seventy-seven thousand workers in the horse racing industry here in Southern California. Let me tell you just the cliff notes about myself. My great grandfather Levi Strauss migrated across this great country of ours in the fifties with his family. Before leaving …
Trekking up and down autumn leave covered mountain trails usually has me craving a good hearty snack by the time my ten or twelve mile trek through an autumn forest is complete. What is a snack without adobe chilies? Mix together adobe chilies and cream cheese and you have a recipe for delicious perfection. Last …