It was three p.m. and I was a very sweaty hiker, and I was so damn tired of hiking. I knew, somewhere, back at camp, a big bowl of Elk Sweet Potato Chili was waiting for me. But first I had to walk the last, terrible mile and a half back to the trailhead and …
This first week in April has been a challenging week for me as a pet owner. In the last week, I’ve survived an epidemic (So far) had to defend my pup’s honor from a coyote and helped my cat fightback from the brink of death. No wonder I have started putting Bailey’s Irish Cream in …
“Getting an inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery” ~ Bill Watterson Many years before schools around the country would close for months at a time because of the insane COVID-19 pandemic, I remember when I was a kid we had snow days. This was in a simpler time when the …
Day ten of being basically self-isolated and I feel like this cat. This feline was rescued from the streets of Mexico two years ago and forced to live a life indoors away from the sights and sounds and mice and birds of the outdoor world. Sometimes when I sit outside in our backyard, I bring …
Give me life, liberty and toilet paper; As an American, in this post-COVID-19 obsessed world, that’s all I really want right now. It appears we now live in a world chock full paranoia over COVID-19. People are just nuts. In our mountain resort town, yesterday our ski resorts closed, a month early for the ski …