Congratulations train station in Munich! You are no longer the most discussing bathroom I have used in my life! Now let me just say I am not afraid to poo anywhere. Explosive disagree in the middle of the forest? Done it! Pooped myself while on my morning run a mile …
In my opinion Milton’s breads, especially their multi grain bread, is the best health conscience and yet delicious bread you can buy at a grocery store. Being that their breads are packed with whole grains and delicious ingredients like oats and barley of course Milton’s would have to have an actual cafe in the super rich …
When I was thirty years old and going through my divorce I lived in my parents fifth wheel for a summer. During this time I missed my kitchen. I missed having my own space to cook and being able to cook healthy meals and blare my music and cook and dance …
The morning forest is quiet. I just ran four miles through these woods last night but that was before I ingested four cookies worth of raw cookie dough last night. Don’t judge me. It was to hot to turn on the oven? That was how I rationalized it anyways. So here I am; five …
It was an unreal day. My friend and I decided to hike a trail in my town that I actually did not know. It was the trail where all the tweakers hung out so obviously it was a place I was unfamiliar with. We had been on our way to the creek near …