On our drive to the Sierras five days ago we stopped for lunches, quick and delicious home made sandwiches with names like The Mule Kick, at Schatt’s Bakery. As we stood in line for our roast beef sandwiches with hot peppers we starred and pinched our noses at the smelly people in …
If there is one thing that pisses me off it’s when my sleep is interrupted. Last night as I lay in an incredibly comfortable tent in a super warm sleeping bag I felt like our brand new super fancy tent was going to go flying into the high sierras lake …
I’m going to need to enjoy a beer while my toes sink into a brisk alpine lake after we finally finish ascending this mountain pass, I was thinking.We were trying to make it to the top of Summit Pass at over 10,000 feet. We had been sweating and hiking fast up hill for …
If there is one food I do not really enjoy it is those Quaker oatmeal packets that most people think us a great breakfast while camping. Sure they are easy. Yes they are light weight to throw in your Kielty pack when going on a week long …
Yesterday I just wanted to hike some new trails. We ended up hiking to the lake of assholes which was way more scenic than one would think. It was actually a very pleasant experience as opposed to what one would think when assholes are involved. …