It was 82 degrees and humid and I was pretty sure I had multiple bugs stuck and squished in my hair and in my sports bra. I had been running for two miles and I had ate three bugs already and had a fourth go up my nose. I wanted to cry but at least …
Living in the mountains has its ups and downs. I love the winter snowstorms. I can stay curled up inside with my two cats for days, making soup, reading, yelling at cats, and watching horse racing on TVG. The summers in the mountains are just as peaceful. If I could I would spend everyday fishing …
My father is a fan of saving a buck or two. When I was growing up that meant collecting spare cans and never turning on a single light. I’m really good at seeing in the dark. That also means instead of fancy toys, growing up, we had cats, lots of cats. My mom didn’t buy …
One thing in life is guaranteed. No not death. Not taxes. If Dad is in the kitchen, Mom is pissed off. My Dad loves to cook and bake and it makes my clean freak mother crazy. There is one thing my dad has always cooked very well; My Dad makes the …
Today I crossed the line and I became one of those Californians people on the east coast must roll their eyes at. All because I was inquiring about acupuncture for my cat. I’m not sure if this puts me in the crazy cat lady category or the crazy holistic non GMO Californian category. Working at the race …