I just climbed to the top of a 12,000 mountain and it’s a very good thing I am the only human being on this deserted Sierra Nevada peak because I’m a natural deodorant fanatic and right now I smell like a natural deodorant fanatic. I like to climb mountains. Sometimes I ride my Cannondale mountain …
Some days I bike twenty miles. Okay, actually one day recently I mountain biked twenty miles. When I put myself through a hellish workout easy sashimi for dinner sounds amazing! Today’s bike ride wasn’t easy, not at all. That right there was the longest ride I ever have done in my life and it included …
I’m an outdoors kind of girl. What that means is I go through vats of natural sunscreen every summer and buckets of natural sunscreen every spring. Yes even on those cold, cloudy and overcast winter days I use bottles of natural sunscreen. I feel like every Saturday when I go to Whole Foods I’m picking …
It’s finally, finally springtime at our 7,000 foot mountain town and you know what that means! Snakes? Wildflowers? Kittens? Or mountain biking twenty miles a morning? Springtime in a resort town means all these things (My friend works at the local pet store… That is where miles of kittens come into the picture…) If it …
When I was a five year old little girl I wanted to be a truck driver when I grew up. I have no recollection of ever uttering the words “Mommy I want to be a truck driver” but my mom has a drawing I made from kindergarten of cartoon five year old me driving an …