I love Halloween. There is nothing more fun than a bunch of friends dressing up as child molesters, Macho Libre and politicians while drinking beer. Yea. Over the years and through out the various Halloween parties my friends have come up with quite a few awesome costumes. Halloween can have so many themes! We have …
Last night at the camp we found ourselves asking important questions like is Donald Trump really black on the inside? And why do all the children want to eat his brain? Flash backwards in time six hours and you will find me driving winding mountain roads as slowly as I possibly can in my all wheel …
You know you had a fun and eventful weekend when it takes you two days of sitting on the porch watching thunder storms to recharge your batteries enough to even think of going for a run. Luckily for us Hurricane Hillary raging to the west like a bitch out of Arkansas is bringing our mountain …
It’s 11:30 at night and I am utterly exhausted from arguing. This was our first RV trip ever in our 1999 Fleetwood Storm and it had all the adventures that you would expect in the first RV trip. Having an accident leaving the driveway, smacking our electricity box and taking off the back bumper of the …
Each year thousands of annoying tourists clog the roads, the trails and the campgrounds of Yosemite National Park. Yosemite is such an awe-inspiring gorgeous place but the tourists and snow pigs just pack it like ants, throwing their trash out the windows of their mini vans and clogging up the beauty of this rugged landscape. …