How many mountains do I need to run up this week in order to eat as many protein bowls as I want? What if I start at sunrise and get in a two thousand calorie workout before work? The horses at work don’t care if I take a wet wipe sponge bath in the parking …
Waking up at one in the morning with a screaming sore throat is never a fun time. Especially when your day off included plans to hike up a snowy mountain. I would so much rather be out in our snowy alpine forest with the mutt hiking under the trees right now. If I have to …
When you live in the middle of nowhere you get to enjoy night skies filled with a few million stars with a crystal clear view of the Milky Way you just can’t find in the city. Living in the boondocks I can go for a mountain bike ride deep in the deserted forest and not …
In the last two years my Indian cooking has gone from three recipes which all kind of revolved on cheap curry powder, Greek yogurt and lime juice to hand grinding my own curry powder with a mixture of fifteen different spices. I’ve ground so many hard things in my Nutri Bullet that the last cinnamon sticks I ground down …
Three years ago I thought of pickle hand in hand with burgers. This was three years prior to trying my first fresh baked parathas on the cow dung filled streets of Bangalore. In the month we spent in Bangalore, I picked my way amid the piles of trash on every street corner and yes maybe …