I simply adore my small town Big Bear Lake life; trail running, mountain biking and just breathing in the crisp cool and clean air amongst the pines of this resort town. In the valley below this rural mountain hamlet you would not even know that it’s fall. It’s over a hundred degrees most October days! …
It was after dinner and I was working on masking the left side of the house, part of my week long painting project. We were getting ready to watch one of our T.V. shows and honestly go to bed soon after a depressing day of horse racing where we watched the best horse in the …
Today I caught the biggest fish of my life. What do you do with the biggest fish ever to be caught on Big Bear Lake? Well you obviously make homemade trout cat food! I try to eat extremely healthy and processed junk food is not the kind of diet that fuels my body. Why would …
Today was a fantastic gorgeous fall day to hit the trails of Big Bear Lake. We had a fantastic morning indulging in a few of my true loves; hiking with the pups, a little trail running and some outdoor fitness. Sometimes while living in a ski resort town you find yourself using words like “stupid beautiful” Today …
Two months ago I was bunkered down in an apartment in Bangalore as torrential rains flooded the cow shit filled streets. I was a long way from Baldwin Lake, California.We did not leave the apartment for two days because it was raining sideways, harder than I had ever seen in my life and frankly I was …