I’m really not ashamed to admit I’m a crazy cat lady. What’s more shocking is I have actually become a dog person as I’ve become older. When I was young I was never a fan of dogs. I always thought they were smelly idiots. (And my dog is both of those things) I’ll always love …
“The days go so fast when you spend all day sitting and drinking and gambling” I love my friend Talia (Check out her Youtube channel here) Talia is a hilarious breath of fresh air in this time of pandemic after global pandemic. I feel so blessed to have been reunited with some good friends last …
“Can I have the Vegan Beet Burger with kidney beans and extra goat cheese please?” Try, just try to request this delicious vegan lunch at any restaurant in this mountain hamlet in southern California. Big Bear Lake is a scenic alpine landscape full of small-town charm not usually found in the Suburbia of southern California …
I’ve sweated and struggled up the railroad tracks of scenic Agnew Pass in the Ansel Adams Wilderness more times than I can count. I always have that crazed day hikers goal of Thousand Island Lake eleven miles ahead of me. This massive strenuous hike starts in the full sun if you don’t start at 6:00 …
Well, that is the first time I’ve trekked back from a hike with a backpack full of deer parts. My heart was sad I have to admit and not because I had a backpack full of deer femurs and rib bones. My heart felt melancholy as I left for my hike this morning when I …