Just what the hell is a chaffle, you may be asking? Is it a new dance move? Is it like the Trump dance? Will it get you thrown in Facebook jail? (Again) Or is it the greatest addition to keto brunch you will ever find? Here in January, living the keto lifestyle, yes my waffle …
When it comes to the wilderness of Big Bear Lake one of the best ways to explore the backcountry is in a Jeep. But perhaps you don’t want to spend 60K on a vehicle that gets eighteen miles to the gallon. You might be happy driving your Tesla and not paying almost five dollars a …
When you think of the holidays maybe you don’t think of Buffalo Chicken Wings but uniquely flavored boneless wings are one of my favorite temptations year round. I seriously love me some Buffalo Chicken Wings but how on earth can you make these zesty temptations healthy? How can you make a healthy version of Buffalo …
Well, I did it. I survived the holiday rush. Was it easy this holiday season? Hell no! Working in the tourism industry, well it’s something I’ve done my whole work life and you think it would get easier but instead people get meaner and meaner. How are people not full of the holiday spirit? …
Here we are in week one of January and it’s all keto all the time in our house. I have been buying a shit ton of bacon, iceberg lettuce and avocados. I’m inhaling blue cheese dressing like it’s going out of style. Looking for your new favorite blue cheese dressing? Check out Toby’s Blue Cheese …