Driving the Highway 18 everyday is giving me a ridiculous frown line on my forehead. Some days it takes me two hours to get to work. As much fun as it is driving fifteen miles an hour behind someone who is terrified of the fog, I would really like to go a little faster, Like …
I guess I can’t REALLY call it spring cleaning if I don’t clean everything in my house, and that includes my two large, furry , and now very angry mountain cats. So, on this warm May morning I will celebrate spring by giving them both a bath. Of the three of us, no one seems …
I went to Colorado Springs in the spring of 2011 to visit Steven and Jenny, good friends who had just made the move from our hometown of Running Springs, California. Two nights in a row we had dinner at Phantom Canyon Brewery, and both nights I ordered these egg rolls, which I then figured …
In a world of grocery store ready pizza dough, there are so many options for the at home cook besides just plain old pepperoni. My favorite thing to do with store bought pizza dough is to make pizza bread sandwiches. This is my favorite recipe but its also good when you use the dough …
I’m sitting on my balcony enjoying the spring time feel in the air in my rural mountain town. In the distance I can hear my neighbors chicken’s making farm like noises. Traffic is whizzing past on the highway below. I’d like to say I got up at five a.m. to watch the sunrise with my …