Okay Obama, you’ve really pissed me off this time. Let me make one thing perfectly clear; Americans are not ready to eat Quarter horses! On Nov 18th, while most Americans had turkey on the brain, President Obama had other priorities; making it legal to once again slaughter horses for meat in the United States. …
This morning, I awoke with a need, I could feel deep in my bones, that I needed to run! But my street is frozen, boo. Last night we received five inches of fresh snow. So its snow shoeing in my neighborhood it is then. My New Year’s Resolution last year was to get a runner’s high. …
Is this going to ever get easier? I keep asking myself, as I pull myself, huffing and puffing, okay maybe even wheezing a little bit up one of the numerous hills in my neighborhood. I’m not a smoker, and I have lived at this altitude for twenty years, this shouldn’t be this hard …
Well THAT was a heart pounding gut wrenching morning, and it had nothing to do with the four mile run I did up 2N19 with Alicia and Johnny. The plan was to run four miles total up the dirt road 2N19. 2N19 is the dirt road that kind of follows Green Valley Lake …
Today I felt weak. Did I do a crazy ten mile hike or run? Um, no. Not exactly. I had exactly twenty minutes to run this morning. That’s it. Should be an easy run, right? Except I made the mistake of running up Arrowbear Lake Drive. I’ve walked up this hill before, but didn’t realize …