If there is one thing I do well it is fall. I can be running fast flat out down a hill, trip over a root and fall as soft as a leaf into the dirt. I’m majorly skilled at catching myself in situations like this. Maybe it’s all the horse racing I watch, watching …
Christmas 2012 was the year some one told my dad that Price Club went out of business. This was after he referenced Price Club about fifteen times during dinner. My Mom finally broke the news to him during dessert that they shop at Costco now, and have done that for ten years. Our family …
Tonight I survived Del Taco. I’m a foodie, and I do not eat fast food, like, ever. I eat things like sushi, goat cheese and liver. A macho meal? Excuse me? What does that even mean? Tonight, Christmas Eve, I tried to go to my favorite hole in the wall Mexican place. Okay, yes …
There is a place I love to run at sunset. It sits at about seven thousand feet and you have glorious views of the valley below this forest as the sun crashes into the clouds and the ocean many miles in the distance. There is a tiny alpine lake and when I run …
When I wake up at five a.m. for work and its still dark and its thirteen degrees and my heater still does not work it makes me want to cry. This was after getting off work last night at ten, driving home to no heat and trying to sleep in a freezing house. Than …